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It's Timeline time!

Hi there! Long time, no talk. Sorry for the silence, but I assure you that one year on, we’re alive and well, and we’ve got great things to share! This is the first of two posts coming your way – in the next post, we’ll talk about the :sparkles: shiny future of Rebble :sparkles:, but for now, we have an exciting announcement, and that is:

You guessed it, it’s finally time: Timeline time, to be specific! We’ve been talking about it for a year now, and thanks to the heroic effort of Maxim Teryokhin, Timeline is back up and running! :heart_eyes: If you loved apps like Note to Self, they’re ready to roll again on your wrist. We’ve spent the last few weeks carefully setting it up and testing it on RWS for everyone to use, and we’re so excited to announce that it’s ready. Timeline by now should have rolled out to all subscribers, and client-side timeline apps should work for you! We’re still rolling it out to non-subscribers – for more information on that, and on timeline apps that depend on a server, and, heck, a few other things we’ve done in the intervening time, read on below the fold.

Timeline rollout

You can tell if Timeline has hit your account yet by checking your account page. If you see a line item, “Timeline sync interval”, your account has Timeline enabled, and the next time your phone updates services, it’ll be ready to go! (If you see the “Timeline sync interval” line, and pins don’t seem to ever make it into your Timeline, you can try rerunning the initial setup. And, if you are getting errors from Timeline apps, then try uninstalling and reinstalling the watchapps in question from inside the Pebble app on your phone, so that you get the patched versions!)

All subscribers should have access to Timeline now. To make sure our servers stay happy and healthy, Timeline will be rolled out to non-subscribers over the course of about a week, so keep checking in periodically! (Of course, if you want access to Timeline right now, subscribing will instantly enable it for your account, and we’d love to have your support!)

Timeline sync

Believe it or not, Timeline is one of the more expensive services we offer, because everybody’s phone has to check in regularly to see if there are new pins. Subscribers get the added benefit of being able to check in every half an hour for new Timeline events, but everybody gets to use Timeline, even if you’re not a subscriber – non-subscriber pins will sync every three hours, instead. We’re working on ways to “opt in” to more frequent Timeline checks for power users – stay tuned for that!

Server-side Timeline apps

There are really two categories of Timeline apps: apps that post pins to your Timeline directly from your phone (“phone-side Timeline apps”), and apps that post pins from the web. We’ve automatically fixed up all the phone-side ones we could find – all 100 or so of them – but for apps that post pins to your Timeline from the web, the developers of those will have to do the patching. Luckily, the change is simple: all a developer has to do is change the endpoint that you post to from to App developers, get in touch with us if you have any questions – and users, if an app you want doesn’t work yet, gently remind the developer that we’re alive and well, and that we’d love to have them aboard!

One thing that we currently don’t support is Timeline topics. (Topics were a way that a developer could broadcast an event without having to name each of the users that cared about that event, and users could subscribe to an event.) It’s not fundamentally impossible to do that, but we haven’t implemented it yet; if you’re a developer who really wants that functionality again, get in touch and we’ll talk!

Subscription renewal

Some of you might have gotten an e-mail that your credit card has expired, without information on what to do about it. Never fear, Rebble is still here! Go to your account page, and click ‘Unsubscribe’, and then just subscribe again. If you have any time left on your subscription, it’ll automatically carry over until your next subscription begins. If you run into any problems with billing, just reply to the receipt that you got from Stripe, or reach out to us on Discord, and we’ll be happy to get you all squared away!

Dictation on iOS

Now that Note to Self is back, you might be wondering – what ever happened with dictation on iOS 11 and up? The answer is: we have a fix! :microphone: Now, when you connect your watch to a Rebble-activated phone, a firmware update will get sent to your Pebble that fixes dictation on iOS 11. Hooray! (Note that this still won’t get you “send text” functionality; that requires phone carrier agreements that we’re not quite so keen on. :no_mobile_phones:)

Hey, where’d the Android app go?

Some of you may have noticed that the Android app is no longer on the Play Store. That’s true! A while ago, Google changed some requirements around for apps that use SMS on the Play Store, and the Pebble app didn’t make the cut. Don’t worry – the app still works just fine, you just have to download it from somewhere else! You can download it from APKMirror, and you’ll be right as rain to run Rebble on your new Android phone.

Coming up soon

Ok, that’s all from me for right now about the most important updates in the recent past. But what’s that? Are we looking… to the FUTURE?? You bet that there’s more where that came from! Coming up soon: a bright sustainable future for the Rebble Alliance! :rocket:

And, of course, we enjoy talking to Pebblers who still love their devices just like we do. So if you have any questions, or just want to say hi, come visit us on Discord – we’d love to have you join the party!

Ushering in the Rebble Era!

It’s a new day. It’s a new month (:ok_hand: :punch:). But most importantly, it’s a new era! :rocket: It was over a year and half ago that Rebble first put its stake in the ground as the unofficial spearhead organization for continuing the advancement of the Pebble platform in the absence of Pebble Technology Corp. Re-reading that first blog post, a lot of the same feelings of fear, anxiety, resilience, and hope have been expressed in recent days as we make another transition - this time from Pebble web services to Rebble Web Services! What does that mean? Why is it necessary? When is it happening?! What do I need to do to participate??! Read on, and all will be explained! :bowtie:

Why RWS?

Katharine gave an extensive overview of affected services and their impact in an earlier blog post, so please peruse her detailed enumeration for complete insight, but the TL;DR is that Pebble’s current functionality relies on a fairly extensive collection of online services, all of which were slated to be disabled after June 30th. The particularly astute reader may observe that June 30th, 2018 is quite a bit more recent than the December 7th, 2016 announcement that Pebble had ceased operations - this is primarily due to the largesse of Fitbit, who were kind enough to extend services an extra six months beyond the already generous year given to help Pebble users transition. We try to mention this regularly, but we are immensely grateful to Fitbit for helping support the Pebble ecosystem at their own expense for all of this time. :blue_heart: Even with this gracious extension, it was still a race against the clock to provide a drop-in replacement for the existing services, for which we had no source code and little flexibility in order to maintain compatibility with existing apps and hardware.

Enter the pony

Apologies for the gushing praise that follows, but I assure you, it’s deserved. Rebble is made up of a fairly extensive team of contributors (apologies to the many who are not represented in these lists :blue_heart:) but in terms of Rebble Web Services, a particular member embraced the challenge of replacing the untold hours’ work of an entire corporation over the course of just a few weeks! :trophy: That somepony is our Sparkly Code Princess Katharine Berry, who - with respect to everyone involved - almost single-handedly recreated the necessary services and the production environment required to support them (shout out to @jwise too on deployment, plus these guys for styling and GitHub auth :heart:). Please Tweet your appreciation, give her Reddit Gold, or send her MLP plushes (clearly she has enough already, but, it’s surely the best way to demonstrate appreciation?!). Oh, and: subscribe! “How/huh?” you ask? Great segue! :grinning:

Enter the Rebble Era

As detailed in our last blog post, existing Pebble users had the option to retain their Pebble account data by linking their Rebble accounts before the Pebble service End of Life on June 30th. Even if you missed out on the chance to link accounts, or are a new user (welcome!), the process for transitioning to RWS is the same:

  • log into (or create) your Rebble account at on your mobile device (it should already have the official Pebble app installed)
  • (optionally) subscribe to get weather and dictation services (and even better: support the project!) via your account page
  • visit from your mobile device to switch the Pebble app to Rebble Web Services!!! :rocket:

The boot page contains instructions and caveats, but just as a heads up, iOS users need to wait 15 seconds then tap the yellow exclamation mark to log in, while Android users may need to log out or kill the app, but will eventually see a big red button to press (ignore the orange spinner if present), after which you’re all set (your Pebble may disconnect - that’s OK, just re-connect and you’ll be all set!).

Breaking: appstore superstar @sGerli has produced an iOS setup video - follow along for an even easier migration! :heart_eyes:

A return to normalcy

The above steps completed, you can officially consider yourself part of the Rebble Alliance! As such, you are free to enjoy the following services:

  • appstore - browse and download watchfaces and apps
  • locker - your personalized local cache of watchfaces and apps, as well as the ability to configure those that are configurable
  • firmware - make sure your watch is running the latest available bits!
  • language packs - Rebble is a worldwide movement - look at all this language support
  • support pages - we’re here to help - or at least these mirrored docs are!

For just $3/month, you can also enjoy:

  • dictation - reply or compose messages with your voice like some futuristic Dick Tracy!
  • weather - not just what it’s doing right now, but in the future too - know whether to bring an umbrella to tomorrow’s sunset - and when!

Not yet:

  • full Timeline support - while some Timeline functionality, such as pins from your local calendar, will continue to work, the server required by 3rd-party apps is not yet available (:soon:)
  • dictation on iOS 11 with Pebble Time Round or Pebble 2 - iOS 11 unfortunately broke this, but we think we might have a fix … :soon:
  • SMS replies on iOS - due to the unique arrangement that Pebble had with carriers in order to accomplish this, it is unlikely that we will be able to recreate this functionality :disappointed:

A bright, open future

This isn’t the end. It’s not even the beginning. It’s the bit just before the beginning when it seems like it should be the beginning but everything’s not actually quite :100: yet. Your bags are packed and you’re ready to go, but you’re waiting for your ride to the airport. Or maybe you’re already on the plane and it just hasn’t taken off yet. Or maybe you’re mid-flight and eagerly awaiting your destination. Or maybe you’re already there but waiting for that one friend who is always late to arrive. Wherever you are in this rapidly unraveling metaphor, Rebble is there with you, now, and in the future. It’s OK to be excited! But there’s so much more to come - not just the above-mentioned services, but the replacement appstore, and the replacement firmware, and the return of CloudPebble (CloudRebble?!), and the ability to submit new apps, and … well, we have to save something for the next Community Update! :heart_eyes: :rocket:

Getting Ready for Rebble

Hi again! I’m Katharine Berry, back with a brief update about the Rebble Web Services. As you have all probably noticed, we’ve been a bit quiet since my last post. We’ve all been very busy, so we haven’t had much time to blog lately. However, we’re still on the case, and before we go any further, we have something important for you to do!

Rebble Accounts

The Rebble account system is up and running, and now is the time for you to create your accounts. Head over to Rebble Auth and log in using your preferred site. You’ll then be asked to link your Pebble account. Please do: we will use this to import information from the Pebble servers before they shut down in order to help make the transition smoother.

It is especially important for developers to link their Pebble accounts now. Once the Pebble services shut down at the end of this month, we will no longer be able to identify developers who did not link their accounts, and so we will be unable to let them update or otherwise change their apps.

We are also going to use the number of accounts created to assist us in determining service usage and attempt to validate our assumptions about the number of users we expect to see.

That’s all there is to do right now: there is no app to install, and we are not yet ready for users to switch over to Rebble services. We will be sure to update you when we are!

So to repeat myself: please go and make your Rebble account right now. You must do so before the end of this month, and it only takes a minute!

Okay, now that that’s out of the way…

The State of Rebble Web Services

So here’s the bad news: we are probably not going to have everything in place in time for Fitbit’s shutdown. We are working hard to bring up services as quickly as we can. Indeed already have some backend services in place, such as auth, cohorts, and boot, with active work ongoing on the appstore and related services. However, Pebble is a complicated system, and we ended up with less time than we had hoped. I still expect that we will have at least some services up and running in time for the cutoff. I dare not speculate as to which but I promise we will have more updates before the end of the month. Even after Pebble’s services shut down, we will continue to work to bring up the remaining services, eventually reaching the collection of services described in my previous post.

Here’s some good news to go with that: a lot of Pebble functionality will keep working regardless of what we manage to put together. Your apps will still be installed, your notifications will still come through, and Pebble Health will still be entirely functional. Pebble apps and watchfaces will still work fine, too, except for those that create timeline pins.

Many of you have been asking what they will have to do to start using the Rebble Web Services. We aren’t ready yet, but when we are, it should actually be very easy: tap a link from our website on your phone, and you will be switched over to our services. Rebble Web Services will continue to work with the existing iOS and Android apps, so you have nothing to download or install. We may have an updated Pebble firmware with some bugfixes and Rebble-specific changes, but that will install automatically if necessary.

A number of you have also asked how you can give us money. Don’t fret! As previously mentioned, we intend to offer basic service for free, and charge a small monthly fee for access to Weather and Dictation, thereby funding the service. In order to avoid the risk of disappointing those who have paid us, we do not intend to open up payments until there is something to pay for.

Finally, we would like to extend our thanks to Fitbit once again: they have been extremely helpful in working with us to enable us to continue Pebble long after the original Pebble services shut down.

That’s all for now. More news coming soon!

Pebbling after Fitbit: introducing the Rebble Web Services

Hey there! Katharine Berry here. As you may well have heard by now, Fitbit will be shutting down all Pebble services at the end of June of this year. After that, if nothing were to be done, then no services that require a Pebble server would work any more — which includes the appstore, weather, dictation, some parts of timeline, iOS SMS/email actions, the CloudPebble IDE, and more. The observant among you might also notice that none of these things have been mentioned in a community update in over a year. Fortunately, we have the makings of a plan: the Rebble Web Services. In this post, we have a few things to cover. First, I’ll talk about what we plan to replace, and why that’s important. In there, I’ll talk about how we plan to do it. And somewhere around the end, I’ll talk about that little important detail that all of us in the Pebble community are so acutely aware of: how we’re going to fund it.

Of course, everything in here is our best estimate. We think we can achieve almost all of this in time for the Pebble server shutdown, but as is always the case, no battle plan seems to survive first contact with the enemy… We are a team of volunteers who are very excited to bring this to you, but all manner of real-life things can get in the way, and so potentially large parts of this post are subject to change.

What we’re replacing

The original Pebble services are a pretty large chunk of code! Some of your watch’s functionality is entirely between your phone and the watch, but a good portion of the Pebble experience lives in the cloud. The app store, for instance, runs entirely on Pebble’s servers – but you might not have known that some types of timeline notifications go through Pebble, and that the weather information that’s built into the watch comes from the Pebble servers, not from your phone’s weather source. So let’s get started with what’s going to change, and how it’ll impact you.

Apps and firmware

Impact: Users will have to switch to new Rebble Web Services manually.

You will continue to use Pebble’s latest Pebble mobile apps and Pebble firmware for the forseeable future. All of the Rebble Web Services will work with these; you’ll just have to create a Rebble account and tap a button to switch.


Impact: Users will have to create a new Rebble account, but much of your Pebble account data will be preserved.

Once Fitbit shuts down the Pebble services, you won’t even be able to log in! We are going to replace your Pebble logins with brand new Rebble logins. Because nobody wants to have yet more accounts on the internet, we will back your Rebble login with a Google, Facebook, or similar login. Don’t worry if you happen to dislike one or another of those … the choice of which you’ll use to log in will be yours!

For KiezelPay users: once you switch to using a Rebble account, if you do not perform an import from your old Pebble account, you will have to re-claim your apps using the email address you originally used to purchase the app. This should only be necessary once, after which your apps should continue to work as they did before. You will not have to buy them again.


Impact: Rebble users will automatically get the Rebble Store as a replacement.

As mentioned in previous community updates, work started on a Pebble Appstore replacement almost as soon as Pebble announced that it was ceasing operations. The Rebble Store should be ready to go by the time the original Pebble appstore shuts down, with all the original functionality. We might even be able to import the list of apps you have installed!


Impact: Most apps will continue to have functioning Timeline pins, but some apps will need updates from the developers.

Even without Rebble, you could still expect to see your calendar entries on the timeline. With Rebble, it’s more complicated: you can expect more, but probably not everything.

Timeline functions as a web API, where other servers push timeline updates to Pebble servers, which then forward those updates to your watch. We can (and will) rebuild the servers that pass timeline updates along to your watch. We will also automatically alter apps that skipped the server and just pushed directly into your timeline (there were many) so that they hit our servers instead of Pebble’s. What we cannot do, however, is alter app developers’ servers so they hit us instead of Pebble. We will provide them with new endpoints to hit before the time comes, and hope that they get the memo to update.

Finally, Timeline updates will become slower. While Timeline is today sometimes able to update immediately when a service sends you a pin or notification, for technical reasons it is impossible for any entity other than Fitbit to provide that service. Using the Rebble timeline service, updates will instead occur every fifteen minutes.


Impact: Built-in weather functions will become an inexpensive, but paid, feature.

Pebble uses the weather in a couple of places: there’s the official weather app, and there are the sunrise and sunset pins in the Timeline. Today, Pebble fetches this information from The Weather Channel. We will replace this with information from another weather API. Unfortunately, these APIs cost us some money to access, so we will be providing weather access as part of a donation-based package (see below). If you choose to pay for it, that’ll enable full weather functionality, and help support the service for everyone. If you do not donate, the system weather app and timeline pins won’t appear – but all third-party watchfaces will continue displaying the weather without interruption for as long as the APIs they use continue to function.


Impact: Dictation will become an inexpensive, but paid, feature.

Unfortunately, dictation is already broken when using iPhones running iOS 11+ with either a Pebble 2 or Pebble Time Round. As far as we know, there is nothing that we can do to fix this. For Android users, as well as iOS users with a Pebble Time or Pebble Time Steel, we will be replacing Pebble’s Nuance dictation with Google Cloud Speech. Unfortunately, just like weather, this will cost us some money each time you use it. So, in order to run this sustainably, this will also be a paid feature. If you decide that you don’t want dictation, everything else will continue to work, but your Pebble will display an error when you try to speak to it.

iOS SMS and e-mail replies/actions

Impact: SMS and e-mail replies and actions won’t work on iOS.

Pebble had agreements in place with several carriers and service providers in order to provide the ability to reply to text messages on iOS. Pebble also provided e-mail actions by requesting access to your e-mail account. Unfortunately, there is no way that we can reasonably provide this service: the privacy and security implications of having this access are greater than we are willing to tolerate. As such, we will not be providing either SMS or email action support for iOS.


Impact: CloudPebble will be transitioning to Rebble Web Services, and will have the option to import your old CloudPebble projects – if you migrate them before the old Pebble servers shut down.

CloudPebble, Pebble’s online development environment, is unique among these services in that the original source code is available (and, in fact, I wrote it). We will be bringing up our own version of CloudPebble soon, and working with Fitbit to enable developers to migrate from the old Pebble version to our new version. Any projects not exported or migrated by the time Fitbit shuts down services will be lost forever, so it is important for developers who use CloudPebble to act soon. We will be running an initial, limited version of the Rebble services for these developers. It will continue to work with Pebble’s existing appstore, timeline, etc. but will support the Rebble CloudPebble, as well as using Rebble services for the CloudPebble Developer Connection.


Running these services will cost money – potentially, quite a lot of money. Beyond just the basic cost of running any old kind of web service (expensive, these days!), the dictation and weather services that we depend on each charge per request. We know the pain of having the services that run our beloved watches shut down, so we’d like to build a structure such that the Rebble Web Services are sustainable for quite a while to come. And to that end, we will be setting up a Patreon, so that the generous among you can donate to keep the services running. We want the basic Rebble experience to be free for everyone – so if you donate to help us defray the cost of running Rebble, we’ll enable some services that cost us some more.

For right now, we plan to have a couple of options. The first option, as I mentioned, is to pay nothing at all: if you don’t, you’ll still get access to your Rebble account, the app store, timeline, and CloudPebble. Alternatively, while the exact numbers are up in the air, we expect that for around two dollars per month not only will you be helping keep Rebble alive for everyone, but you will get everything that we can provide – weather, dictation, and the rest of the Rebble services keeping your beloved watch ticking.

A brief moment of Fitbit love

When we start talking about money, it’s easy to get angry at Fitbit. It can feel like they’re the ones responsible for taking away our watches, or for shutting the servers down. In reality, all of us on the Rebble team are very grateful for Fitbit’s support! They have been keeping the Pebble servers running even longer than they’d originally announced, and they’ve given us some needed extra time to come up with a solution for you. If Fitbit had not purchased Pebble, it’s likely that the Pebble servers would have shut down with no notice at all. And, if all that was not enough, the Fitbit team has been very cooperative in working with us to come up with a plan to transition your watch to our new Rebble Web Services – something they had no obligation to do at all, but that they’re doing because they love Pebble the same way that we do.

So for all those reasons, we’re thankful for the way Fitbit has handled this transition – and we hope that you will be, too!


We’ve talked a lot, in a lot of detail, in this post. If you want just a few things to take away, here you go:

  • We will be providing replacements for almost all Pebble services 🎉
  • Most things will work just fine when you switch to the Rebble servers
  • Timeline apps may require developer changes to remain functional
  • Timeline updates will be limited to every fifteen minutes
  • We will have a Patreon page for you to donate to keep the services running
  • We will require that you pledge around a couple of dollars a month for weather and dictation. All other services will remain free.
  • iOS SMS/email actions/replies will not be supported
  • Fitbit are our friends
  • All of this is subject to change

Whew! That just about covers it. We’ll have more updates for you as the months pass. Many of you have already offered your support in response to my tweet, and it is thanks to you all that we are undertaking this endeavour. See you soon!

Rebble Community Update 4: Love and Rockets!

Welcome to the first Rebble Community Update of 2018! :heart: :rocket: One of my most important roles in the Rebble project is Lead Emoji Sprinkler, which requires fastidious monitoring of the Rebble Discord to ensure that all comments indicating progress or good will are met with a swift :rocket: or :heart: respectively - and lately the emoji have been flowing liberally as the firmware team’s progress continues to :rocket: thanks to the prodigious output of new and old contributors alike. Daren’t delay divulging details of the downright deluge of development deeds! As always, if you’d like to add something, send us a tweet, or better still, submit a pull request! :bowtie:



Do you know how simple it is to build the firmware and run it in an emulator? If you’re a Pebble developer with all of the standard tools already in place, building and running the firmware in an emulator is as simple as:

This will launch QEMU and you’ll see something like this:


which is the actual RebbleOS firmware running on your machine! :muscle:

Once you’re up and running with the firmware, you can be like @CTKRocks, @TerttyCurlyfries, @Stubenhocker1399 and @zbsz and work alongside @ginge and @jwise to flesh out the UI, system apps, and OS functionality. Contributing to an operating system might seem intimidating - but developers of all levels can make meaningful contributions to RebbleOS!

If you’re not a developer, you can help by testing and reporting issues, creating graphical assets, or assisting with documentation or the wiki. We’re feeling a lot of this out as we go as well, and we’re excited to have you come and learn alongside us. So don’t be shy – we’d love to have you come and join us, no matter who you are! :sparkling_heart:


So, what’s new? Here’s some highlights:

Real, working watchfaces and watchapps

Previously, the watchfaces you saw were all baked into the firmware – everything had to be compiled in with the OS. We’ve added preliminary support for reading the Pebble filesystem, so you can see the apps that PebbleOS installed on the watch; and, to our surprise, some of them even run! We’re working on adding more features and more API compatibility every day! :soon:

Notifications, scrolling, and status bar

A big step towards making your watch look and feel like a watch! Thanks especially to @CTKRocks and @Stubenhocker1399 who have worked hard to get the UI looking beautiful. :sparkles:

Initial chalk (Pebble Time Round) support

RebbleOS was designed to support multiple different types of watches, and now chalk builds in the same tree as our beloved snowy. If you’re interested in getting RebbleOS working on tintin, we’d love to have your help, too! :family:

Rebble logo splash screen!

Rebble logo splash

Take a look at the closed PRs and commit history on GitHub for more detail… :sweat_smile:

Please note: this is alpha firmware and while all this stuff may look pretty cool, it’s not to the point where you’re going to be wearing it on your wrist daily yet! (for example, the battery won’t last that long until we take a serious look at power management!) :sweat_smile:

One fundamental challenge in working with the Pebble has been Bluetooth communication, which is critical to meaningful operation since most Pebble functionality requires the device to be able to talk to your phone. Firmware superhero @ginge has now overcome this challenge as demonstrated in this newly-released video of real notifications being sent to a RebbleOS-powered Pebble from a PC via Bluetooth! :heart_eyes: :rocket:

Breaking: an even newly-er released video of notifications being sent via Gadgetbridge! (friends of Rebble - check them out!)

OK but why?

I’m glad you asked - actually @jwise thought you might ask and I’ve paraphrased his thoughts and added some of my own:

It’s a fact that no new Pebble hardware is being produced, ever. It’s been over a year since Pebble closed its doors and as such there are a finite number of devices out there, and their ZEBRA connectors are going wonky, their cases are suddenly ingressing water, and their batteries are getting one charge closer to failure each day every 4-10 days. But while Pebble hardware may remain frozen in time, technology marches on. New versions of Android and iOS continue to be released, along with new hardware, and with every major release we all cringe and utter “will our Pebbles still work”? Well that’s part of why we’re building new apps, appstores and firmware - but another exciting reason for creating our own open-source, FreeRTOS-based OS is that it opens the door to other Pebble fans or even large smartwatch manufacturers in Shenzhen to build their own new hardware in the spirit of Pebble/Rebble! :sparkles:

And that’s pretty cool, don’t you think? :sunglasses: :cool:

News and Miscellany