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Rebble Community Update 2

Welcome to the first Rebble Community Update of 2017! Please peruse our paraphrased prospectus of progress over the preceding period. If you’d like to add something, send us a tweet, or better still, submit a pull request! :bowtie:

It’s been over a month since our last update, though the lack of updates here belies the tremendous strides made across myriad projects! While our early efforts concentrated heavily on investigation and reverse engineering, often manifesting as wiki pages and rough proofs of concept, many projects are starting to mature into tangible, viable entities. The Rebble Store now has a live, functional front end, with the required back end to support it well underway. Firmware has moved beyond emulation and onto real hardware, with promising demos on both Pebble Time and Pebble Steel. Replacement graphics libraries and fonts are being scratch-built for inclusion in upcoming firmware. There have even been pics posted of what appears to be some kind of new Pebble-esque prototype! Details, source code links, videos, and more below… :rocket:



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