Where is the FAQ?
Well, right here! At least, for frequently asked questions about The Rebble Alliance. For frequently asked questions about how to use the Rebble Web Services with your Pebble smartwatch, head to the setup and troubleshooting how-to and scroll down.
What is Rebble?
Rebble began as a supplement to the official Pebble documentation. After Pebble ceased operations, it morphed into the unofficial spearhead organization for continuing the advancement of the Pebble platform via the amazing Pebble developer community.
What does Rebble do?
Our present focus is on replacing key pieces of the Pebble ecosystem: the appstore and related web services, and later on down the road, potentially even firmware and mobile apps. At a higher level, our goal is to maintain and advance Pebble functionality, in the absence of Pebble Technology Corp.
Who is Rebble?
Find out on our team page!
Where can I learn more about Rebble?
Join us on the officially unofficial Pebble Dev Discord server, then browse the channels to find out what we’re up to! :bowtie: